David Hutchinson

David Hutchinson

👋 Hi, I'm David

📍 I'm in Williamsport, Pennsylvania

📚 Currently, I'm reading: Land of Promise: An Economic History of the United States and A Waiter in Paris

What important truth do very few people agree with you on? Or, to the entrepreneur, what valuable company is nobody building? (Thiel)

Without fail, this question leads me to ponder, as I try to understand and piece together solutions to problems. Outwardly people describe me as calm and affable but inwardly I can't sit still and am always trying to figure out what comes next.

Some of the things I'm most interested in include education technology, and in particular, the role of artificial intelligence in the future of education, the stories cities tell, visualizing human geography, particularly in the context of highlighting the failure of urban renewal projects and advocating for continued investment in large, sustainable infrastructure projects in America, and by extension the world.

Previously, I worked as a Product Manager at Ohana, where I helped build solutions for students and young people looking for short-term housing in New York City. I also taught at GO Project, an NYC based non-profit serving students from public schools across the city.

Before that, I started a startup, Suoni, where I worked on making AI-generated lesson plans for teachers -- and learned a lot along the way.

I am a student in the Penn State Schreyer Honors College and a fellow in the Presidential Leadership Academy at Penn State.



